Archive for July, 2014

Posted in Uncategorized on July 20, 2014 by Tim

Second Session is over already…  Wow that came around fast! I’ve had a busy couple of weeks dealing with a range of things, but I also found time to enjoy some of the best parts of camp. We had our colorwars this session, Orange and Grey, and this summer we had a win from Orange. In fact, it was a rather convincing win with a large gap at the end of the omnibus.  It has been a few years since Orange won, so I’m not going to get too upset (being that I am a Grey team guy from way back…). I am sure we will see Grey take the title back next summer.  Here are some shots from the action:

Orange and Grey Team Competitions

Orange and Grey Team Competitions

Orange and Grey Team Competitions

Orange and Grey Team Competitions

Track Meet

Track Meet

The weather has been fantastic, and it has been really hot the last couple of weeks. I’m hoping it stays this way for the rest of the summer, and the lake is good and warm as a result so my waterskiing class has been an enjoyable one.   All this being said, I can’t believe we are halfway through the summer already. Once again, I feel like we will all be going home again before we are ready. There isn’t much we can do about this though – I guess it is true what they say about time flying by when you are having fun… You check out the session video clips for first and second sessions here:

Session One Video

Session Two Video

Camp Lawrence is all go!!

Posted in Summer 2014 on July 9, 2014 by Tim

So it has been a while since I have had a chance to sit down at my computer and write an update. This is a good thing as it means camp is going well and I am busy having a great time in the outdoors with all the campers.  My days consist of my usual cabin inspections and a second period waterskiing class before I have to delve into my paperwork, etc. In my first session ski class I had 4 campers so I even got to ski a few times myself which was nice. And again today I skied at the end of the class as the campers in my class all wanted to see me behind the boat. Fortunately it was a nice hot day and the lake was the perfect temperature (I could have done without the wind cutting up the lake though).


At our second Vespers session a new camper from France got up and performed a song which was great. His English is really good, and the fact that he was confident enough to get up in front of 200 people and play the keyboard and sing in his second language was very impressive. In fact, today he also stood up in the dining hall and made an announcement about two staff in his swimming class who cleared up a dead fish from the swimming beach in the morning. Here is a pic of Jules from that Vespers session:

Jules playing at Vespers

Jules playing at Vespers


First session is over now and we are into our second session. This means Orange and Grey will be starting tomorrow and camp will go into overdrive. This is our version of Color-wars, and camp is split into two teams that compete fiercely until Sunday when everything culminates with a big omnibus relay race all over camp.  Watch out as I try to clear out all my paperwork and get ready to post more often about this program as it is the biggest event at camp and one that is always a huge hit with the campers and staff alike.


Yesterday we had a group of CIT’s and JC’s come up for a day of teambuilding from the Merrimack Valley YMCA’s day camp – Camp Otter. They stayed the night and got to experience resident/overnight camp and the chaos that is our dining hall. It is always great to share our camp with other parts of the Y, and other community groups, and I’m looking forward to taking our CIT group on a tour of the branches and Camp Otter in a couple of weeks.

Right, now to review the 130 letters to parents from our first session before dinner…