Almost There

Our staff is starting to grow… Yesterday I picked up a dozen international staff from all over the world to join the teams at Camp Nokomis and Lawrence. No sooner did we get these guys and the weather took a turn south and we have been hit with rain and cold. It’s never fun to be at cam and be cold… Hopefully things clear up tonight as the bulk of our staff arrives tomorrow afternoon to begin our staff training week.

Camp is starting to come together and despite the weather today things are still getting done.  The Astor, our Junior Unit bathroom is being renovated and painted. I swung a brush around for a while in there, and am sure it will be an impressive change from before. The new color scheme is certainly something that will be noticed…  A myriad of other maintenance projects are happening around camp as well as the regular get-camp-ready stuff.

I’m excited for tomorrow and the staff arrival. It marks the formal beginning of the summer, and it when things really start to get busy.  I’m also looking forward to it being warm and dry tomorrow! Here’s hoping anyway…

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