Camp is Awesome

Man I’ve missed this place…

View from the Dining Hall Porch

View from the Dining Hall Porch

So I arrived at camp on Friday after 48 hours of travelling and was straight into it. The weather was amazing and hot, and I even considered going water-skiing on Saturday but ran out of time.  We had open house tours all weekend and I always arrive in time for these. It’s a nice way to start the season and I get to show parents and new/prospective campers around the island.  Then on Monday we had to go over to the mainland to pick up some staff and building materials and although I have had my commercial boat license for a number of years I have never driven the MV Bear II – Yesterday I drove this 50’ vessel from dock to dock for the first time.  It was a bit of a challenge to get the big boat onto the dock compared to the regular boats, but I managed to pull this off with relative success so was happy. Hopefully I’ll get the chance to practice a few more times this summer, and although I don’t think I’ll get to the point where I would take it out by myself it is good to learn something new.

MV Bear

MV Bear

Tomorrow we head south for the meeting with the CIT’s (Counselor’s In Training) and their parents followed by a day at Boston’s Logan International Airport where I will be picking up a bunch of international staff for both Camp Lawrence and Camp Nokomis, then it’s back to Camp Lawrence to get stuck into Staff Training Week before the campers arrive.

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