Final Countdown to departure

So, my last weekend at home, or at least at my NZ home. In three days I depart for my US home and I am now ready and waiting. The only stuff not packed is the few things I need over the next couple of days…


I fly out at 6.30am on Thursday morning, heading to Melbourne, Los Angeles, New York, then Boston before the drive up to camp in New Hampshire.  My commute this week will be: Drive to the airport, leaving home at 4am, 2.5 hours before the flight. Fly Auckland – Melbourne: 4hours, 15 minutes; spend 2 hours 15 minutes in Melbourne Airport, then fly Melbourne – Los Angeles: 14.5 hours, followed by 4 hours in LAX, during which time I’ll clear immigration, etc then fly Los Angeles – New York: 5.5 hours. I’ll leave home at 4am Thursday, and arrive in NYC for the night at approx midday Friday NZ time. After this lengthy journey, I get to sleep with an overnight stop in New York followed by a commuter flight to Boston in the morning (1hr), a stop of the camping cervices office and then the 2 hour drive to camp and a 10-15 minute boat ride. And… RELAX! I’ve made it back to my ‘happy place’ for another summer.


I can’t sleep on a plane, so this makes it a long trip, but I do plan to get some final planning done for the summer, and maybe see a movie or two.  Preparations are well underway already. The admin and staff training week’s schedules are done, as are the initial cabin assignments for the summer – yip, all four sessions! All that’s needed now is to tweak the cabins as we get new registrations, etc. that and unpack and get myself all set up in my lakefront summerhouse… and enjoy the view.


Ready I am… Bring on the summer! (Again…)

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