When 5 days = 7 days

Five days left in New Zealand, but seven days until I get to camp…  This is how long I will spend travelling!

I will spend 12 hours on a plane from Auckland to LAX, followed by 8 hours milling around waiting for my connecting flight to Boston, then another 5½ hour flight, a 2 hour car ride, and ending with  a 20 minute boat ride before arriving at my second home…

Arrival at camp

Arrival at camp

Is it worth it I hear you ask?

The answer is without a doubt – YES!

There is no moment when I am as happy as I am when I get off the boat for the first time each summer.  This is when the excitement of what is to come really hits.  Each summer has been better than the last, and I can’t wait to get stuck in again.  There will be many times of catching up with friends among the staff and campers, as well as introducing our island paradise to new members of the Camp Lawrence family.  Many mornings waking up to unparalleled views of a pristine lake.  Many meals enjoyed with 200 others in a noisy, lively dining hall.  Many people’s lives being improved through new knowledge, new experiences, and expanded horizons.  This is what I live for…  I love seeing others achieve something new or that they didn’t think they could achieve.  Maybe I’ll even challenge myself to ride the zip line!

Dining Hall

Dining Hall in action

This year there has been a lot of build-up.  This marks my fifth summer at camp (and yes – that’s 5 winters I have skipped).  My role at camp now is an important one as I lead and mentor our staff as well as campers to be the best they can.  I am sure it is once again going to be a fantastic summer, and am very much looking forward to it.

On the flip side though, I have to say goodbye once again to my NZ friends and family…  This is never an easy task, and although I live at the opposite end of the country to my family, it is still easier to stay in touch from Auckland than it is from camp.  The only time I have to call home from camp is after midnight (when it is after 4pm in NZ) and this means a late night…  Believe it or not, it is harder to say goodbye to my mates!  These are the people who are always around me, and in some cases even work with me.   On Friday we had a few drinks by way of an early leaving party.  Another ‘quiet’ night…  The efforts my work mates went to, to organise plan and carry out a very impressive array of activities to celebrate my departure shows me how much a part of the team I am (I am still in pain two days later!).  I go through this twice a year – once on each side of the world, and it is never as easy as you think.  Fortunately for me, I know I will be able to return in a few months and catch up with everyone (or at least those who have not departed for their own working holiday adventures around the world).

I can’t wait for camp, and despite having to say goodbye to some people for a while, I am very much looking forward to those I haven’t seen in 8 months since last summer!

It is going to be a good summer.  Of this I am sure.

Stay tuned for regular updates over the coming months – you won’t be disappointed!

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