Archive for May 18, 2011

Counting down…

Posted in Uncategorized on May 18, 2011 by Tim

Not long now…   As I begin the countdown in days (17 days until I am at camp…) I have started to think of what I need to take with me! Last week I talked of what makes a successful camp counsellor, but this week I want to focus on me and my experience… As usual, there is the general clothing one needs for camp – shorts, shirts, etc… all the boring stuff. But the ones to remember are the things you can’t get at camp or in the USA for that matter! I always have an assortment of NZ chocolate – the snack size Cadbury bars – for use as prizes and bribes/rewards, as well as when I want a reminder of home… But there is also the obligatory gift for camp directors – NZ chocolate (Whittaker’s Kiwifruit flavour this year) is such a valuable gift, and taking a block of chocolate over for your camp director is simple and easy, and always appreciated (if not by him, definitely by his wife!). Other things which will be crammed into my bag this year include Tim Tams for my good friend and colleague, and then there are the comforts of home for myself…

Marmite – two jars for when the cook throws the first one out because he thinks it is rancid!


Sweet Chilli Sauce – believe it or not, I have not been able to find this in the USA… Plenty of BBQ sauce and other concoctions, but no sweet chilli… How do they survive!

My bag is now packed, and there really isn’t any more room, so here’s hoping I don’t think of anything else… I’ve got the torch (I mean flashlight), a hat, and wet weather gear, some classy sunglasses, and of course the electrical plug adapter – this one is vital! I actually have a NZ multi-box which I keep at camp so I can use several of my NZ electronics at once.

Of course, I can’t forget the essentials – wigs, beards, and crazy clothes for the crazy events we have at camp. I am bound to shock some people this year…

The sad thing is that I actually packed my bag 4 weeks ago, yet have still got to wait another two weeks before I get the chequered flag and am on the plane! I am sure it will fly by though…

Remember – Sing out loud, especially if it embarrasses your children!