Saying Goodbye

Wow – the time is oh so near now… With just one day left in the office I am not sure if I can get everything I want to done – some stuff may have to wait until I return or someone else gets around to it.  There is always so much to do and so little time, even though now they are exciting times for not just me, but for everyone heading to camps all over the USA.  There have been many dramas and lots of long days over the last month as we finalised our plans, and the time is nearly here to board the plane and head to warmer pastures…  I can’t wait!

Saying goodbye is never easy – no matter how many times you do it.  I have a lot of good friends here – even in Auckland – and am not the best at saying goodbye, or for that matter organising leaving parties (just ask my workmates…). They will happen though, and by the sounds of it will be epic.  It is understandable though – I mean, how could you not miss me?  It is going to be quite a weekend…

After a few years of this, the excitement doesn’t really hit until you are at the airport.  Monday is going to be a big day for me – literally – it is after all, much longer than 24 hours… Although without my itinerary and a calculator I can’t work it out…  Ask me again in a few days…  This year I get to share my flight with a group of first-time Summer Campers again – there will be 9 of us on the flight, so it should be quite a fun trip.  Not only will we get to riot in the Spinnaker Bar at the Airport before we board the plane, but on the plane we will be able to talk amongst ourselves and I am sure as the day goes by, and the many hours on the plane, we will all just get more and more excited about the pending summer.

Be sure to enjoy your winter New Zealand – I for one will not miss it!

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